Pop Stars and Social Media

        Social media is a part of lives, in fact it is our life. We can't ignore it, unless you are in fact hiding under a rock somewhere off the coast of Timbuktu. Pop stars have utilized this to their fullest advantage and it has been interesting seeing how it has all played out. Social media allows for pop stars to create an even more precise brand for themselves. All of the users get to be even closer and more connected to them by following them on social media. We get to see their highs and lows in doing so, but that is all part of the adventure in it. I think one of the best things is that we get to feel like we know the pop stars on more personal levels simply by selecting to follow them on social media. I also think that the pop stars definitely teach us some strategies in using social media effectively, and of course there are things that we can teach ourselves to not do because of how pop stars use social media. We can use similar strategies for our own career goals and to create our own personal brand, just like the pop stars do. This blog will explore pop stars and how they use social media to create, maintain, and evolve their personal brand. I will also look at how we can learn and build off of their personal branding strategies to help ourselves. So stick with me, and we will explore all things pop stars and social media here on Pop Star Social!


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