Pop Stars and Fan Engagement
How much pop stars interact on social media says a lot about their social media presence. Who wouldn't want to be retweeted by Nicki Minaj, stood up for by Taylor Swift, or have Miley Cyrus use your hippie edits of her? Everyone, whether they admit it or not, thrives for that moment to be noticed by someone relatively famous. I have noticed that some pop stars use this to their advantage and do it rather well.
Nicki Minaj is the queen of retweeting. I mean, let's be honest, she retweets and replies to so many fans, or should I rather say Barbz, on twitter that it gets almost overwhelming. This shows that she does read what her fans have to say, and has even used Twitter to ask questions she contemplated, like if she should premiere the iconic "Anaconda" at midnight or the next day. She truly cares about what her fans think and shows that on twitter. She is definitely one of the top pop stars/ rappers that interacts with her fans on twitter and uses plenty of emojis in that process. It is key to learn from Nicki's action because these interactions are key in creating flow on social networks. She knows how important her fans are, and takes time to recognize them on twitter.
Nicki Minaj

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is a pop star that has utilized social media to not only connect with fans but to stand up for them. In recent news, she stood up for a fan video in where the girl was opening a gift up from Taylor Swift herself. The video was posted on Tumblr and while majority of the comments were positive, a negative comment got in there. It was a comment that called the girl ugly, and Taylor soon commented "No, Anonymous. No". This shows how Taylor not only interacts with fans, but will stand up them. Taylor also has connected to fans through social media, but has made that encounter more personal than ever. Taylor was recently at the 2015 Grammy Awards and noticed a Tumblr post by a girl that said she was going to be at the awards too. Taylor commented to the girl, Jill, and asked her where she was going to be at the awards. Jill was in the Staples center for the awards and the next thing she knew was that Taylor's publicist found her and took her backstage to meet her. How crazy is that! That shows how much Taylor loves her fans and uses social media to lurk, or now it's called taylurk, on her fans. She loves giving her fans those authentic, and inspirational moments. She is using her social media presence in a great way by doing this.Miley Cyrus
Finally, Miley Cyrus is an eccentric pop star that uses social media to showcase her fans work. She has been recently known for having edits of ridiculous things that ultimately relate back to who she is. They often showcase her favorite things and bring them together in a collage. She puts the fan edits on her Instagram and shows all of her followers. This gives the chance for her fans to create these edits in hopes of Miley seeing them. I have even made one in hopes of her seeing it, but it clearly isn't as good as the one below that did get reposted.So, how can we learn from these fan engagement tactics? It is all about flow, using your social media presence for the right thing, and to show your followers that you truly care. If Nicki didn't interact as much as she does on twitter, I don't think we would clearly see her friendly side. It gives Nicki a chance to be chill and relaxed with her fans and that provides us with a closer connection to her. Taylor has gained so much respect from everybody because she has been using her social media platforms to stand up against bullying and to inspire others. It it truly heartwarming to see a pop star at her success level stand up for her fans by commenting and giving them advice through comments too. It is important for us to know that we have that opportunity to use our social media to make a change, just like Taylor. Finally, Miley shows that she cares about her fans creativity and loves to showcase that. It gives Miley a closer fan connection. If none of these pop stars didn't do what they're doing, they wouldn't have the fan base they do today.
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