Iggy Is Back With Her "Team"

A photo posted by Iggy Azalea (@thenewclassic) on
Iggy Azalea has been teasing us with snippets of information here and there about her next album, Digital Distortion. Iggy is doing an amazing job at being active on her Twitter account. She has come a long way and stepped up her social media game. Remember when someone else was running her account for her and it was hardly ever active? Those days are over. Now, Iggy is on it more than ever and often replies to many of her fans. She also uses Twitter as a way to release more information on her newest album. We have even found out that the lead single is looking to be a song titled, "Team". Iggy showcased a snippet of the song while replying to a fan on Twitter. I have to admit, the more you listen to it, the more catchy it gets. Take a listen to clip below!

Can we take a moment just to enjoy the bathroom jam session? That is literally me.

Iggy also gave us an idea of when we can expect the full lead single to surface. She said that January will be full of artwork, buzz songs, and other cool promotions being released, but the lead song won't be expected until Feburary-ish.

I know that there are a lot of haters out there that don't care for Iggy, but I actually appreciate her music. Iggy just knows how to provide a booty-poppin' song that will no doubt have you rapping along with it. Iggy makes music that makes me feel good, and at some points, that's all I need. I know I'm looking forward to her new music and be sure to keep and eye out on more things being released!


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